Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blizzard: "arenas are an E-sport side game"

In a blue post about battlegrounds, Blizzard's Zarhym let the world know just where arenas stand in the WoW food chain.

This might have slipped under the radar for some players, given that it was posted in a discussion about a new battleground. But community poster, Zarhym stated that "arenas really are meant to be an E-sport side game, not the end all, be all of World of Warcraft PvP."

The context of this comment was a new battleground which is in the works, but the meaning is clear. Blizzard's new battleground will be aimed at measuring the skill of players - something which is near impossible in Warsong Gulch and its ilk.

Whether this means a shift away from arena as the competitive standard remains to be seen. But in such a short post, Zarhym released another exciting piece of news for PvP-ers in general: "We'd also like to provide the means for player to level up via PvP should that be their preference." Maybe the days of power-levelling alts just to counter-comp people are soon over.

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