Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lurppis says "ESWC list is a complete joke" have talked to Tomi "lurppis" Kovanen about the ESWC Cheonan that have released a list of pre-selected teams for the upcoming event. Lurppis complains about inviting teams such as Team EG.US or x3o instead of the KODE5 winner Gravitas Gaming.

Crack Clan itself are only on the waiting list if one of the teams might not attend the ESWC Cheonan in early May. Tomi 'lurppis' Kovanen complained about teams being in that do not deserve a spot in a tournament like this. He says "Besides some good placings over the past three years we've been ranked 3rd-8th in ZoneRank/G7 rankings the whole time, yet we don't make a top12 list that includes two teams I've never heard of".

But he also continues about the esport itself saying "If you want to place well, you need to play a lot and even then you might get your winnings in 6-18 months, if you're lucky... We're going to KODE5 Spain in a few weeks but if we don't beat mTw there's pretty much nothing coming up for a few months".

You can check out the interview with him at

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