The testing of Flame Leviathan is now active on both US and EU PTR Realms. It looks like it will be the last boss test before the next PTR build.
Testing has been cancelled ... Well, that was a short one.
Quote from: Daelo (Source)
We're having problems getting Ulduar open, and from EU testing there's some nasty bugs present as well. Due to these problems, we're going to cancel today's test.
Fight Information
Flame Leviathan Health - 20M (10-Man) / 62M (25-Man)
Every 30 seconds he will switch targets to another siege vehicle, mark them, and follow them around. If you do not have two siege vehicles active then he will pick a different unit.
He has a soft enrange due to Gathering Speed. You have to kite him, thanks to Battering Ram, and it becomes harder and harder to get away from him even with help from Steam Rush.
• Flame Jets: Inflicts 2000 Fire damage to enemies around the caster. 50 yard range. Interruptable.
• Battering Ram: a melee range attack, Rams the target, dealing damage and knocking it forward. Debuffs them with "Battering Ram": Damage taken increased by 100%.
• Gathering Speed: periodically he moves a bit faster by gaining another stack of this buff. The stack is reset when he is stunned by Overload Circuit.
• He also fires rockets constantly at the raid, doing about 700 damage each time they land (about once every 1-2 seconds)
• He has 4 turrets. Passengers in the demolisher can be launched at him where they can destroy the turrets and then hit the Overload Circuit: stuns Flame Leviathan and causes him to take 50% more damage for 10 seconds.
Player VehiclesThe vehicles have a base HP that then increases based on the ilvl of your gear (tip: stop DE'ing trash epics with high ilevels and save them for Ulduar!)
Salvaged Siege Engine
This vehicle demolishes towers as you clear the gauntlet and kites the Flame Leviathan. It can carry a passenger.
• Ram: 15 yard range, 4 second cooldown, instant. Rams any enemies in front of the demolisher, dealing 5,400 to 6,600 damage and knocking them back. Also deals 2,850 to 3,150 siege damage to buildings.
• Electroshock: 38 energy, 10 second cooldown, instant. Shocks all targets within a 25 yard cone in front of the caster. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 seconds.
• Steam Rush: 40 Energy, 15 second cooldown, instant. Put the steam engine into overdrive for a short duration, rushing forward, dealing siege damage and knocking back enemies.
• Anti-Air Rocket: 10 energy, 1000 yard range. Instant, 0.25 sec cooldown. Fires an explosive missile directly forward, detonating when it has travelled 100 yards, hitting any enemies within 10 yards.
• Fire Cannon: 20 Energy, 10-70 yard range, Instant. Fires a cannon blast.
Salvaged Demolisher
This vehicle moves slowly but has ranged attacks and can even catapult its passengers. It can carry a passenger, who can grapple the pyrites from the ground and loads them one by one as abilities that deplete them are used. The primary use for them is giving 10 charges to the big nuke.
• Hurl Boulder: 10-70 yard range, instant. Hurls a massive boulder into the distance, dealing 13.5k to 16.5k damage to enemies within 8 yards of the target.
• Hurl Pyrite Barrel: 5 Pyrite, 10-70 yard range, instant. Hurls an orb of blue pyrite into the distance, dealing 27k-33k damage, but consumes ammo.
• Ram: 15 yard range, 4 second cooldown, instant. Rams any enemies in front of the demolisher, dealing 8,550 to 9,450 damage and knocking them back. Also deals 2,160 to 4,640 siege damage to buildings.
• Launch Passenger: launches the Demolisher's passenger into the air.
• Cannon: 40 yard range. Instant, 1 second cooldown. Fires an explosive missile directly forward, detonating when it has traveled 50 yards, hitting any enemies within 10 yards.
• Grab Crate: 40 yard range. Instant. Use your hoook and chain to grab the targeted crate.
• Reload Ammo: Loads 20 rounds into the demolisher's ammunition cartridge. Requires Liquid Pyrite.
• Increased Speed: instant. Injects liquid pyrite into the engines, increasing movement speed by 100%. Lasts 1 min.
• Load into Catapult: instant, 30 second cooldown. Load yourself into the catapult arm, using yourself as ammunition.
Salvaged Chopper
This motorcycle model is very fast and moves very adroitly (it can strafe, for example.) It can carry a passenger.
• Sonic Horn: Instant, 20 energy. Sends a wave of force in front of the motorcycle, causing 3150 to 3850 damage to all enemy targets within 35 yards in a frontal cone.
• Tar: Instant, 15 second cooldown. Drops a pool of tar for 45 seconds that slows the movement speed of enemies wihtin 10 yards. Tar can be ignited. Lasts for 45 seconds
• Speed Boost: Instant, 50 energy. Fires the fuel injectors on the bike, increasing its speed by 100% for 5 seconds. (no cooldown)
Fight Strategy
Just read the StratsFu Strategy Guide.
Unbroken Defeat Flame Leviathan on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle on Normal Difficulty.
Three Car Garage Defeat Flame Leviathan while in each of the following vehicles on Normal Difficulty.
Take Out Those Turrets Destroy a Flame Leviathan Defense Turret on Normal Difficulty.
Shutout Defeat Flame Leviathan without causing a System Shutdown on Normal Difficulty.
25-Man Loot Table
Golden Saronite Dragon
Rising Sun
Overcharged Fuel Rod
Plated Leggings of Ruination
Iron Riveted War Helm
Mimiron's Inferno Couplings
Gloves of the Fiery Behemoth
Steamworker's Goggles
Shoulderpads of Dormant Energies
Mechanist's Bindings
Embrace of the Leviathan
Constructor's Handwraps
Boots of Fiery Resolution
Strength of the Automaton
Glowing Ring of Reclamation
The Leviathan's Coil
Pendant of Fiery Havoc
Freya's Choker of Warding
Steamcaller's Totem
10-Man Loot Table
Kinetic Ripper
Twirling Blades
Flamewatch Armguards
Gilded Steel Legplates
Firestrider Chestguard
Mantle of Fiery Vengeance
Handguards of Potent Cures
Lifespark Visage
Combustion Bracers
Might of the Leviathan
Shimmering Seal
Energy Siphon
Pyrite Infuser
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